
Understanding How Financial Issues Affect Your Children and What You Can Do to Help

It is no secret that money plays an important role in our lives, but it can be especially impactful on our children. With the ever-changing financial landscape and the uncertainty of the future, it is more important than ever to understand how financial issues can affect our children and what we can do to help.

Knowing the basics of financial literacy, budgeting and planning for the future, and discussing money matters openly with your children are all essential steps in ensuring your kids are prepared for life’s financial challenges. This article will provide an overview of the ways financial issues can affect your children, and offer useful advice on what you can do to help.

Understanding Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the understanding of money, its importance and how it works. It is crucial to achieve financial literacy as it can greatly affect your long-term quality of life, both financially and emotionally. This is especially true for children, who are in the process of establishing their own financial habits and identity. Financial literacy is influenced by multiple factors, including education, environment, and genes. Financial literacy is a skill that must be taught and practiced regularly to improve.

Since financial literacy can affect every aspect of your life, it is important to understand the basics. As we’ve outlined, children must be taught the basics of financial literacy to prepare them for the future and avoid financial pitfalls. This includes the knowledge of how to manage and make sound financial decisions, such as budgeting, financial planning, and understanding interest rates, credit scores, and financial regulations.

The Impact of Financial Insecurity on Children

Financial stress in childhood has been linked to poor health and poorer life outcomes in adulthood. Financial stress in childhood also has an impact on mental health and development. A study looking at the effects of parental debt on teens found that financial insecurity, stemming from high debt and/or low income, has a negative effect on parental communication with teens, which can impact the teen’s mental health.

This can translate into low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Financial insecurity can also result in children taking on more responsibility and doing more work than is appropriate for their age. This can lead to negative behavioral and developmental issues, as well as affect academic performance.

A study looking at a parent-child relationship found that, when parents are financially insecure, parents tend to place greater responsibility on their children, which can negatively affect their child’s development. Financial insecurity can also result in parents feeling stressed and having less capacity to provide for their children in other ways.

Budgeting and Planning for the Future

Budgeting, especially when you’re a child, can seem like a daunting task, but it is an important part of financial literacy. When you’re young, it’s important to set yourself up for financial success, which means learning how to budget, track your spending, and prioritize your needs. Budgeting allows you to understand where your money is going and helps you set realistic goals.

It is important to start budgeting as early as possible, as this is the best way to prepare for the future. It is also important to start early when planning for the future. This means setting short- and long-term goals, and understanding how to achieve them. By setting goals and understanding how to achieve them, you will be better prepared for any financial challenges that may come your way.

Open Discussion of Money Matters

Communication is key to a healthy family and financial communication is no different. It is important to start having financial discussions early with your children and to make it an ongoing part of family life. This gives your children the opportunity to ask questions and better understand finances, even if they are too young to contribute to the conversation. Financial discussions should go beyond how much money you make.

It’s also important to discuss how you save, spend, and invest your money, as well as what makes an appropriate financial goal. It is important to discuss financial challenges, such as debt and credit, as well as financial successes, such as earning a raise. This can help normalize financial challenges and successes and make them less scary for your children. It also gives them the opportunity to ask questions and better understand these issues.

Teaching Kids to be Financially Responsible

The best way to teach your children to be financially responsible is by example. This means being financially responsible yourself and modeling the behavior you want your children to adopt. It is also important to discuss financial challenges and successes with your children, helping them understand how to overcome these issues.

While it is important to discuss financial challenges with your children, it is also important to offer solutions and provide guidance, as opposed to leaving them feeling fearful. This can help better prepare your children for real-life financial challenges.

Preparing Your Children for Financial Challenges

As mentioned above, it is important to discuss financial challenges with your children and help them understand how to overcome them. This will better prepare them for real-life financial challenges. However, it can be difficult to predict what challenges your children may face in the future. This is why it is important to teach your children financial literacy, so they are equipped to face any financial challenge.


The financial landscape is ever-changing, and it can be challenging to navigate, especially as a child. Learning the basics of financial literacy is important to help you better prepare for any financial challenges that may come your way. That being said, financial literacy alone is not enough.

You must also take action to better prepare yourself for any financial challenges that may come your way. The most important thing you can do to prepare for financial challenges as a child is to learn how to budget, track your spending, and prioritize your needs.

Are you looking for financial education and money apps for kids? Kiddie Kredit is a mobile app designed to educate children on the credit system and track their chores. Download it from the app store today!

John D Saunders

John D. Saunders is a Web Designer and Founder at 5Four Digital, CMO at Kiddie Kredit and an Automation Expert with a decade of experience building brands online. He's worked with clients including Audi, NAACP and Apps Without Code.